Public/cataloged books not appearing in Directory

We currently have 12 publicly available books in our catalog (, but only 8 are appearing in the Pressbooks Directory (Pressbooks Directory). We’re currently set to exclude non-cataloged books from the Pressbooks directory, but I’ve never changed that setting. Am I missing some additional step that’ll get those missing 4 books into the Directory?


Hi @ewjerome, I just looked into this. Our fetcher (the tool that we run every hour to get Directory updates) consistently runs into an error when it tries to update records for your network, which appears to be related to how your server’s SSL configuration. When I ran a SSL test on your network, I saw a 'This server’s certificate chain is incomplete.` warning: SSL Server Test: (Powered by Qualys SSL Labs). You may want to ask your sys admin to look into and fix this, at which point, I think our fetcher will be able to successfully update records for your network again.

In case it’s helpful, the fetcher call throws a “Runtime.UnhandledPromiseRejection” exception and the error message reads: “Error: unable to verify the first certificate”. This might be helpful for your colleague? node.js - Error: unable to verify the first certificate in nodejs - Stack Overflow

I’m also noticing that your API endpoints include http:// links rather than https:// links for all book URLs:
Screenshot from 2021-11-15 12-38-44

I suspect you’ll want to switch to force https for all traffic/URLs on your network.

Thanks, Steel.

Our sysadmin says that he’s put in a “weaker certificate”, but it doesn’t look like anything has been updated in the Directory. Do you have any other thoughts?

Hi @ewjerome – sorry for slow response. I’m seeing 12 books from your network, and they do look like they’re updating again now. Do these look like the books you’re expecting with the most recent updates present? Pressbooks Directory

Hi @SteelWagstaff - It’s a busy time of year, so no apologies necessary. Yes! I can now see what I was hoping to see although it took a bit longer than I expected for that to happen after we ade the changes on our end.

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Yeah – that was an issue on our side. We needed to push an updated version of our “Directory Fetcher” and just got that out this week.

Dear SteelWagstaff

I have similar issue. I would like to know, after setting the book visibility to public any other settings to be made to the site by administrator to make it visible in the Pressbooks directory? For example here is a book Understanding Gene Regulation and Gene expression, which I tried searching in the directory and could not see it.

Hi @sushumna the network you’ve published your book on ( appears to be a self-hosted open source instance of Pressbooks. You’ll need to contact whomever runs your network and ask them if they’d like to have their public books included in the Pressbooks Directory. If so, there are a few small steps they’d need to take to have books included. See Pressbooks Directory for Open Source Users - #5 by SteelWagstaff for details.

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Thank you @SteelWagstaff will convey to my collegue. Looks like he did that. Hope now book will be visible in the directory.

HI @sushumna can you share your colleague’s contact information with me via direct message? We will need to add the network into our testing flow for the Directory fetcher and confirm that adding, updating, and removing books from the Directory works as expected. It’s helpful to have a contact on file to coordinate those details.

@SteelWagstaff Please let me know what other setting to be done make our books( ) appear in pressbooks directory .

hi @Ravindher_reddy_kesi we’re performing an initial sync of your network’s books shortly. By default, the Directory will only index public, openly licensed books with more than 5000 words from your self-hosted network. If you want to configure this further, there is a global setting for your network that can be used to exclude all books from the Directory: Adjust Network Settings – The Pressbooks Network Manager’s Guide. Individual book administrators can also opt-out of Directory inclusion at the book level with this setting: Settings – Pressbooks User Guide

@Ravindher_reddy_kesi and @sushumna we’re now indexing books from your self-hosted Pressbooks network in the Directory. You can see the 3 books that we’ve collected at Pressbooks Directory. The syncing process should update book metadata regularly.

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Thank you @SteelWagstaff