Pressbooks Directory for Open Source Users

hi @frenaville we’d be happy to include your network’s books in the Directory. There are a couple of prerequisites for open source networks to be included in the directory.

  1. In order for the book cards/listings to have accurate metadata and our fetcher to work as expected, your network needs to be running Pressbooks 5.17.2 or later. I hope that’s not a problem, as that release is several years old. Please check and confirm you’re running a compatible version of Pressbooks. If you’re unsure, you should be able to check from the network diagnostics page at [Se connecter ‹ Bienvenue sur e-publish — Pressbooks).

  2. Networks that would like to keep their book listings regularly updated also need to define an environment variable for your network. If you’ve set up your Pressbooks installation using a standard WordPress deploy process, you should be able to add this line to your wp-config.php file:
    define( 'CUSTOM_DELETE_BOOK_ENDPOINT', '' );

This value needs to be defined so that books will be removed from the directory as expected whenever a book is marked as private, deleted from Pressbooks, or flagged for removal from the directory in your Pressbooks application. If you’re running a recent version of Pressbooks, we would be able to add books to the directory and sync any metadata changes you make, but until that variable is in place, we won’t be able to remove/delete unwanted books from the directory listing.

If you’re able to take these two steps, we can add your network to our list of networks that are indexed in the Directory. Feel free to contact me via DM or email if you’d prefer to coordinate further in private.