Customizing webbook homepage

I am trying to hide certain elements of a webbook homepage, such as the authors.

(The reason is that it is an edited book, and I want the editors to appear as editors, and not as authors –but I also want them to appear right beneath the title of the book, see also Display of Editor Metadata on Book Homepage )

I have tried including the following code in the Custom CSS for Web:

div.block-info__subsection.block-info__lead-author {
  display: none !important; 

and also the following (which includes the whole selector for the div I want to hide):

#content > section.block.block-info.block-toggle.js-block.focusable > div.block-info__inner.block-toggle__content > div:nth-child(2) > div.block-info__subsection.block-info__lead-author {
  display: none !important; 

But I did not manage to make it work. Am I missing something (again :smiley: )?
Thanks in advance

Hi @lrizquierdo, I don’t think the custom CSS rules get applied to the book’s homepage, unfortunately. I don’t think we currently provide any tools to let authors alter the appearance of the book’s homepage on hosted networks. We also don’t have very great tools to let you display editors in that top location, unless you do something like this book does: (pretty hacky). I’m sorry, this is something that should be better in Pressbooks!

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Thanks a lot @SteelWagstaff ! Your example is actually a pretty good hack. And congratulations on contributing to that book too! Thanks again!

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