I have a question in regards to a reprint of an edited volume I am helping to develop. For this production, their are numerous essay authors (chapter authors) and two main editors. However, editor metadata seems to take a back seat, so to speak, on a book’s homepage; instead, author metadata displays prominently in two locations: notably, near the top of the page just below the book’s title.
In our minds, it makes more sense to have the main editors names display prominently for an edited volume; however, it makes sense from a cataloging perspective to leave the editor metadata alone (not to provide the editor’s names as author metadata). Therefore, our question: is there a way of making the editor metadata more visible or even taking the place of the author metadata on a book’s homepage?
Hi @jlynch2, thanks for the suggestion! I agree that the prominent display of editors without having to insert them as authors makes a lot of sense. Can you open an issue in https://github.com/pressbooks/ideas outlining this feature? It’s something we’ve been discussing internally but features that have community backing can move up the queue more quickly! Thanks again.
Hi, I have the same problem and I wonder whether there has been any progress on this.
I just saw this: https://github.com/pressbooks/ideas/issues/134
I hope this is considered in the near future, as Pressbooks is ideal for edited volumes.
Thanks a lot.