I was playing with the new Glossary features in the Pressbooks update. I was looking for the documentation for it, but I couldn’t find it yet. A couple questions come up as I first started playing with it.
Is there a shortcode that would allow a glossary to be included in chapter?
I think I understand the way that glossary nesting works, that one glossary can be included in another by child/parent relationship…
So if I was designing a book, could I make a separate glossary for every chapter, that are all children of a master glossary? That way my vocab terms are included at the beginning or end of my chapter, but also included in the backmatter? Is that how this works?
And is there a way at the book or theme level to make vocab words look different than external links?
Right now you can’t insert glossary lists in each chapter. The way the initial implementation works, there is no way to display a list of a subset of terms, so the shortcode that displays glossary lists would output the list of all terms in the book everywhere it was used. We intend to follow up with enhancements to this feature in the first release of 2019. Similarly, we’re looking into some improvements to the tooltips/vocab words, including distinctive formatting, support for basic rich text (bold/italics/links), and display on hover and focus instead of just click. See also: https://github.com/pressbooks/ideas/issues/152
An open source book publishing tool built on a WordPress multisite platform. PressBooks outputs books in multiple formats, including PDF EPUB/MOBI, web, and a variety of XML flavours, using a theming/templating system, driven by CSS (Chartrand, 2013/2013).
Example Fails:
“An open source book publishing tool built on a WordPress multisite platform. PressBooks outputs books in multiple formats, including PDF EPUB/MOBI, web, and a variety of XML flavours, using a theming/templating system, driven by CSS” (Chartrand, 2013/2013).
Hi Ned,
I have two questions, and am sorry if they have been asked before and I missed them:
Do you have guidance on how to import OpenStax CNXML files into pressbooks. We know Bccampus converted these books into pressbooks. However, our team had already modified and mixed modules in Openstax and their files are now in CNXML.
One thought was to just cut and paste and then use the search and replace tool to change the coding, but this would take a while.
Is there a way to import a glossary into a pressbook? I ask this because the OpenStax modules have terms and definition. I do not want to manually enter each one into Pressbooks. I want to go ahead and import a list of the terms and definitions and then just go black to each chapter and highligh and code as “GL” and select the term.
Thank you.
Hi @vansorat, I’m not entirely sure about either of your questions — I left my position at Pressbooks in February and I’m not up to speed on these points. I expect @SteelWagstaff knows what’s what.
The way to get books out of OpenStax CNX used to be to use a plugin that was created and supported by BC Campus.
Unfortunately the lead maintainer of all the BC Campus plugins has left the organization, and the campus has decided not to continue to support and update the code. The plugins are available on GitHub as is, but haven’t been updated in around a year.
Even when this plugin was working well, there was always significant labor that needed to be done to clean up the import (correcting heading levels, cleaning up messy HTML, putting captions in the proper format).
Good luck on your project. Maybe the plugin will help you get started.
Thank you for the reply. Josie at BCcampus mentioned the same thing. I think we will just do cut and paste and put some time in formatting for pressbooks.
Revisiting this as I stumbled on a shortcode that works for this; not sure if it was a release but never documented, but seems to work: [pb_glossary type="type-slug"]