Our Pressbooks admin has recently changed the catalog page and launched this: AdminPage du catalogue | Pressbooks
Some of the ebooks have more than one author, however only one is displayed. For example book “La vie après 50 ans” should have Xavier Flawinne + Sergio Perelman as authors but only Xavier Flawinne is displayed
Is there any possibility to display all authors (if there is more than one for a book)?
Yes – it can be done. See https://dev.pressbooks.network/catalog/steelnm or Msulib's Catalog Page | Pressbooks

I’m not sure how/why multiple authors appear for some books but not others, to be honest. Please note that this uses a legacy ‘author catalog’ feature that we are no longer actively developing and have no plans to improve rather than the recommended ‘network catalog’: GitHub - pressbooks/pressbooks-network-catalog: A Pressbooks plugin which provides an improved catalog for the Pressbooks Aldine theme. We strongly encourage you not to use this old feature to display your network’s publications and to use the recommended network catalog plugin for Aldine instead.
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Thanks @SteelWagstaff. I’m informing our Pressbooks admin about this