Hi all,
Our next Pressbooks Product Update will be held tomorrow, Thursday (March 30th) from 2-3pm ET in Zoom. We’ll give an overview of recently released features and partnerships and discuss your needs and desires around ‘discoverability’ for your books and analytics you’d like to have to help you measure impact for your publishing programs. As always, we’ll leave time to discuss any product questions or issues that are important to you. A more detailed agenda can be found here: Pressbooks Product Update Agendas - Google Docs . Hope to see many of you soon!
Thanks @SteelWagstaff. Beside the announced partnership with EBSCO, have you had any contacts with Ex Libris/Clarivate in order to get the Pressbooks Directory added into the Alma Community Zone and/or the Central Discovery Index? (see NERS 2021 - Pressbooks Directory – Have an idea for Ex Libris?) Thanks.
Hi @frenaville yes – I’ve been emailing Ex Libris for months. I had a meeting last week with Tamar Ganor, the product manager there who updated that issue in their community forum. This was my follow up message;
I really enjoyed meeting you and Nadia earlier today to talk about the possibility of including metadata for open access books published in Pressbooks Directory within ExLibris’ suite of discovery tools/services.
My understanding for next steps were the following:
- I would share with you a sample of the JSON metadata available for the public books included in the Pressbooks Directory and a document describing the mapping schema. You would share this with your technical team and let us know what adjustments, if any, might need to be made for this metadata to be included in ExLibris’ discovery and/or delivery services.
- You would contact your legal team and let us know what kind of legal agreement we’d need to put in place before formalizing this metadata sharing and inclusion of metadata from the Pressbooks Directory in Ex Libris tools.
- You were going to update this idea on your product board: NERS 2021 - Pressbooks Directory – Have an idea for Ex Libris?. You and I can both let interested folks from the academic library community know that they can contact you with questions about this feature request moving forward.
I sent her the sample metadata and a description of our schema with mapping details.
Tamar replied:
Great meeting you too Steel, it’s always a pleasure to make progress with high demand quality content.
I have contacted our legal department and we will proceed with reviewing the file you’ve sent with the google docs mapping info. I updated the idea in the link you mentioned below. Thanks for the accurate summary, and I will keep you updated as we make progress.
At this point, we’re waiting to hear more from Ex Libris, but I think we’re making some progress here.
Thanks @SteelWagstaff. This is great news! Do you mind if I’m sharing your exchanges wit a few other Ex Libris customers involved in Content matters?
Go for it. I think Tamar is willing to be contacted with any questions you might have for them. From our point of view, it’s relatively straightforward metadata sharing.