Institutions List - how to add to it?

Hello, within each PressBooks book, under Book Info, there is a drop-down menu labeled “Institutions”:

How does this list get populated, and how can we add institutions to the list?


Hi Lauren,

The list is pre-populated with many institutions. If you start typing in that field, the name of your institution, the field will give you options to choose from. For instance if you start typing ‘Colorado State…’ the field will present these options:

@Lauren_Magnuson1 this list is a JSON file included in pressbooks/pressbooks: pressbooks/institutions.json at dev · pressbooks/pressbooks · GitHub. What institution(s) would you like to add?

Could you please add these institutions? All should be under United States of America/Indiana.

Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Christian Theological Seminary
Earlham College
Concordia Theological Seminary
Goshen College
Grace College and Theological Seminary
Oakland City University
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Saint Mary’s College
Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology

Thank you!

@Lauren_Magnuson1 I’ve created this GitHub issue for your request: Add new institutions in Indiana · Issue #3027 · pressbooks/pressbooks · GitHub. It’s in our backlog and seems pretty straightforward. Hopefully we’ll be able to include this in a future release of Pressbooks.

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YAY! Thank you so much @SteelWagstaff. I think we might try to update our json file locally and if so, we might submit a pull request, which will hopefully be helpful.



Sounds great. If you do – the new Indiana institutions would go here: pressbooks/institutions.json at 497e2514286909dc8923cf5191807aeeff9759f2 · pressbooks/pressbooks · GitHub. They should use codes beginning with US-IN-038 and include names and URLs for each institution you’d like to add. I’m going to see if I can open a PR in the next 30 minutes for this, since it’s on my mind.

Saint Mary’s College was already included in the institutions list. The others have been added via this PR: #3029. We’ll try to get this merged and tested this week and included in next week’s planned release.

Hi - I would like to request an institutional change to your source code? Mount Royal College in Alberta, Canada has been Mount Royal University for some time.

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Hi @SarahS thanks for bringing this to our attention. I’ve opened a PR which should address this: fix: change name of Mount Royal University by SteelWagstaff · Pull Request #3444 · pressbooks/pressbooks · GitHub. Once tested and merged, it will be included in the next production release of Pressbooks.

Thank you! I appreciate it.

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Can you please add this institution?
Country name: Turkey
City Istanbul
University Name Bosphorus University

hi @ztuman, thanks for your request. We will be adding Bosphorus University to the next release of Pressbooks with its official name Boğaziçi University. It will display like this: chore: Add Boğaziçi University (Bosphorus University) to institutions list by cmurtagh · Pull Request #3621 · pressbooks/pressbooks · GitHub

Could you please update “Yukon College” to “Yukon University” in the list of institutions in Pressbooks?

This change occurred in 2020 (

hi @dshaykewich just opened a PR to update that: Fix: Update Yukon University name by SteelWagstaff · Pull Request #3776 · pressbooks/pressbooks · GitHub. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

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