My epub exports introduce
in some regular spaces and fails. For instance, the following text (copied and pasted from the Pressbooks editor):
The objective of this book is to help you learn to implement and analyze evolutionary models of social interactions in finite populations.
is parsed in the epub file as:
<p>The objective of this book is to help you learn to <em>implement</em> and <em>analyze</em> evolutionary models of social interactions in finite populations.</p>
which leads to errors in the export:
FATAL(RSC-016): /srv/www/wisc.pb.unizin.org/releases/20231207215206/web/app/uploads/sites/28/pressbooks/exports/Agent-Based-Evolutionary-Game-Dynamics-IN-PROGRESS-1703189423.epub/EPUB/front-matter-001-preface.xhtml(19,150): Fatal Error while parsing file: The entity “nbsp” was referenced, but not declared.
These errors mean that the page cannot be read in the EPUB file:
These errors also occur in HTML book exports, but I read here that is better not to use that format.
I was not getting errors with the EPUB exports until recently. Now I get a lot of them:
Any ideas about how to fix this?
Thanks a lot,