Allowed custom post types

Hi @SteelWagstaff, as per our discussion, this function blocks all but our core custom post types from being edited:

	if ( preg_match( '~/wp-admin/post-new\.php$~', $check_against_url ) ) {
		if ( ! in_array( @$_REQUEST['post_type'], \Pressbooks\PostType\list_post_types() ) ) {
			$_SESSION['pb_notices'][] = __( 'Unsupported post type.', 'pressbooks' );
			\Pressbooks\Redirect\location( $redirect_url );

The referenced function, \Pressbooks\PostType\list_post_types(), is here:

function list_post_types() {
	return array(

If you can try manually adding the custom post types you’re trying to work with to that array and confirm that that resolves the issue, I can add a filter.