Why users downgraded from administrator to editor status automatically?

10 Users had been assigned as administrator on a Pressbook but some of them were downgraded to editor status after sometimes. I am very sure that I corrected this issue when users reported but the changes keep happening. Can there be too many administrators on a particular book? Could there be a reason why a user’s status would default to a lower setting? I’m a bit perplexed at this point why this keeps happening. When I go to reset the status, it seems fine and the change seems to stick. My worry is that it isn’t stable.

Hi @rshum there’s no intrinsic limit to the number of administrators in a book, and nothing in our code base that would automatically downgrade user permissions. Changes to user permissions only take place when they’re manually adjusted by another book admin or a network super administrator/network manager. You might want to check with the other users you’ve made admins to make sure that they’re not changing permissions for colleagues?