Maybe there is something in the Readium CSS for the new web theme?
This is very cool.
We are using CSS variables in the new web theme, but only for the whitelabel/client branding components as opposed to book contents. Our goal with the new SCSS-based theme structure has been to build SCSS components that can build styles for all three output formats: web, EPUB and PDF. The problem with CSS variables is that they aren’t yet supported in PrinceXML which makes them a non-starter for components that can be used across all three media. So, adopting Readium CSS would mean duplicating a lot of code to implement the same outputs in different formats.
The latest builds of Prince now have support for CSS variables!
@t.dumm Readium seems like a cool project, but what does it do that pressbooks doesn’t that you are interested in?
Are you thinking about exporting your Pressbooks files as EPUB3 and then using readium as a user interface instead of the web view? Does it have better support for page numbers across different versions so students can more easily write citations? What is it that you like about it?
Or is it just a related project that you wanted to share?
Todays post is just an update to Neds statement “The problem with CSS variables is that they aren’t yet supported in PrinceXML”. CSS variables are now supported in the latest Prince version and I think there are plans to update to Prince 12 and subsequently to latest Prince for hosted Pressbooks (in the context of tagged PDFs). So CSS variables would be possible for book themes in the near future.
My original post was about Readium CSS and not Readium itself.
PS: As you ask about “better support for page numbers across different versions” (In case you mean pdf and epub with the term “versions”)
(Was closed in 2018 in the context of a general github issue cleanup)