Search and import: my suggestions

As we speak in a previous topic, if we are going to integrate search and import in PB. We need to do some changes. Here my ideas:

from PBTB search and import:

  • import a book
  • import a chapter
  • import from another PB installation
  • to seach content by title, kewords …

New features:

  1. to create a place in the cover where the readers can see that is a version of the original book and a link to the original book.
  2. to know the version of the original book and the version of the original book in the moment of the importation.
  3. To decide how to allow or not to allow the copy of the content
    (righ now is by license, if the license is Creative Commons you can import if is All rights reserved is not possible to import, further discusions are necesary about that)
  4. in the original book we need a link to all the versions of the books with the names of the books and the author name.
  5. Allow some kind of comunicaton between the autors of the original book and the versions (further discusions are necesary about that)
  6. To create a better way to search content (further work is necesay like the creation of Learning Object Metadata in each book and page before to start with that)

Advance New features:

  1. to include the content: import and not allow modifications because is integrate with the original book. If the original book changes, here changes too.
  2. include features: if the original content change, I have to know it and also I can see the changes and decide if I do update or not (like github).
  3. include features: if the original content is not available anymore, the content it became import.

I like this. Some of the features mentioned above are similar to what I started thinking about here:

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