I´m creating my own roles. And I have some questions:
That is the information about the roles: https://guide.pressbooks.com/chapter/users/
import capability is not selected but we are able to import content. Is not better to relate the cappabilities with functions? so we can have more flexibility
If i´m not able to post a chapter, why i´m able to post the chapter title?
is not better to have under the same cappability to be able to show in web and to show title? or is the default wp way.
Edit other post cappability, change the apperance…

the curren aproach makes complicate to have flexibility. I´m not able to organice new roles as I require in my web book.
I believe it would much better if we have one cappability to each menu option (I think is easy to do https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/35165/how-do-i-create-a-custom-role-capability).
Or at least organice the permisions with related cappabilities., so, Appearance settings page (theme options and custom styles), istead of edit_other_post, be sync with manage_categories, wich is not pure related to creation of content. If is used at all.
Also, a role with all the multisite cappabilities, have not acces as multisite

About multisite, the problem is with the menu, looks like if I know the url i´m able to find the multisite options, but I do not have the multisite menu

Also, multisite cappabilities deactivated did not hide the multisite options
With just manage network,

we see all of the options
instead of just the related to the capability