Removing Page Numbers from Select Pages

Hello! My manuscript consists of two parts, with pages that read “Part One” and Part Two" dividing the book. These pages don’t need to be numbered, but they are. Is there a way to remove the page numbers from them?

Thank you!

i think, that´s the way you can deactivate

Thank you for your reply, colomet! I followed your instructions, but it seems to me that “Part and Chapter Numbers” in Global Options refers to the part/page numbers, not the page numbers. I’m trying to remove the page numbers at the bottom of two pages that happen to be Part One and Part Two. I’ve been roaming around PressBooks but can’t seem to find anything that relates to page numbering, unless I need to create a Custom Style, which I’m not very good at (at all). :blush:

Correction to my previous message: “. . . it seems to me that “Part and Chapter Numbers” in Global Options refers to the part/chapter numbers, not the page numbers . . .”