We’ve purchased a license for the Enhanced Media Library premium plugin, and would like to use it with Pressbooks to help our authors organize and manage their media uploads using custom taxonomies. The plugin works just fine for me (a super-admin), but when regular users (who are admins only in their individual books) attempt to access the ‘manage taxonomies’ link created by the plugin (which points to https://[bookaddress]/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=media_category&post_type=attachment
they see a ‘You do not have sufficient permissions to access that URL.’ error message. As with some other plug-in conflict issues we’ve run into (permitted file types, custom post types, etc.), I suspect we’re in conflict with something that Pressbooks is locking down (custom taxonomies, probably?), but I don’t know where it’s being locked down or how to add a filter to allow users to use this feature. Any suggestions (@ned or @dac.chartrand, probably?) greatly appreciated!
There’s no way to modify this behaviour at present. We block access to taxonomies for non-super admin users (see this line) because the assumption is that we don’t want regular users messing around with Front Matter and Back Matter types (lots of room for unexpected behaviour here). There isn’t a simple way to filter a list of approved taxonomies for non-super admin users to work with (like we did with post types) because some URL regex would be involved. So, likelihood is that unless we get a PR that adds a nuanced filter to allow users to access specific taxonomies, we won’t have a chance to add this capability right away. If you want to open a GitHub issue to flag this as a feature request you could do so. PRs are always welcomed
GitHub issue filed: Add a nuanced filter to allow users to access specific taxonomies · Issue #1095 · pressbooks/pressbooks · GitHub. I can try to work towards a PR, but probably need a bit more coaching first (sorry!)
This has been solved as of PB 5.3.0: https://github.com/pressbooks/pressbooks/pull/1172. Thanks @ned!