New self-publisher subscription - can't add users?

I have just paid the annual amount for a self-publishers subscription for a book on However, I seem to be unable to add users. This is the message I received when I click “Add” in the Users pane:

Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.

What’s going on? Under “Organize,” I also get a message that amounts to “you are not allowed to do this.” This is a problem for me. I’m not talking about adding collaborators for an open-source book - I want to invite subscribers (not admins, editors, or authors) to review the content as I develop it. Once I complete the book, I also want to control access to it - at least at first, before it goes open-source.

If anyone has insights about this, please let me know. Thanks!

Hi Martha,
Thanks for letting us know. I’ll send you a note in the support ticket that you created.


Thanks, @john_mcleod - I appreciate your help with this.