Aloha, we (UH Mānoa) developed a plugin to summarize H5P content in a Pressbooks textbook for folks that use both. It’s currently pending review at, but you can download it from github now if you want to take a look:
Screenshots and a feature list are available at the github link above. Any feedback is welcome! We plan on using it in our OER textbooks that have H5P assessments integrated.
I like the concept of your plugin! It looks really interesting.
I wonder about the title of it and your decision to put it in the Wordpress plugins repository.
Does this plugin work with a Wordpress site that has H5P installed? Or only a Pressbooks Site?
The reason I ask is that Pressbooks has made the decision not to put their plugins in the Wordpress plugins repository because it changes so much about how a Wordpress site runs. If it works for Wordpress, I think you should change the name to Wordpress H5P Dashboard and leave it in the Wordpress Plugin Repository.
If it really is only geared towards Pressbooks networks, I think you should take it out, and manage it on Github.
I appreciate your contributions either way, I look forward to testing it.
Aloha! The canonical source for the plugin will always be github; it’s just also synced to wordpress dot org for ease of installation (so folks can use the built in plugin browser). We use Gary Jones’s excellent sync script to deploy to wordpress dot org:
That said, you’re always free to use GitHub Updater to install the plugin too, if that’s your MO.
The plugin is a companion to sites with both Pressbooks and H5P installed, and won’t do anything if both aren’t activated. All you’ll see is a message on the plugin settings page about the missing dependencies:
We struggled a bit with naming the plugin since it’s a bit esoteric (it has a dashboard widget, but also annotates the Pressbooks table of contents, and then includes a few other random features). Originally it was just “Pressbooks H5P Dashboard” but the WordPress Plugin Review Team doesn’t allow the plugin to start with Pressbooks if it’s not maintained by Pressbooks itself.
We’re totally open to sharing maintenance duties if anyone is interested, or renaming the plugin if we can find something more descriptive. The plugin slug is probably fixed, though.
Finally, I was trying to debug this a little, so I switched browsers from Chrome to Firefox to see if something browser specific was happening, or maybe my browser had cached something to make things funky, so I opened a new Firefox window, which I notice displays differently than Chrome. It still blurs the H5P activity, but is missing the text to remind someone to login.
Thanks for the feedback! I neglected to do browser testing, so I’ll add that to the list for next week.
Not sure what’s up with the blurring, but I’ll take a look. I tested with multiple H5P elements on the same page, but they were all MultiChoice so maybe that’s related.
This was just a dev server I had spun up to play with cloud hosting. I’m trying to learn more about scalable hosting, so this is Reclaim Hostings beta offering of cloud servers that is based on Jelastic.
As you can see, there are a few dependencies that I haven’t bothered to or gotten around to installing, but my understanding is those should not interfere with H5P.
Platform: OS X
Browser Name: Chrome
Browser Version: 83.0.4103.106
User Agent String: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.106 Safari/537.36
WordPress Configuration
Network URL:
Network Type: Subdirectory
Version: 5.4.2
Language: en_US
WP_ENV: Not set
WP_DEBUG: Disabled
Memory Limit: 64M
Pressbooks Configuration
Version: 5.15.0
Book Theme: McLuhan
Book Theme Version: 2.10.3
Root Theme: Aldine
Root Theme Version: 1.8.2
Pressbooks Dependencies
Epubcheck: Not Installed
Kindlegen: Not Installed
xmllint: Installed
PrinceXML: Not Installed
Saxon-HE: Not Installed
PHP Version: 7.3.8
MySQL Version: 5.5.5
Webserver Info: nginx/1.16.0
PHP Configuration
Safe Mode: Disabled
Memory Limit: 256M
Upload Max Size: 64M
Post Max Size: 64M
Upload Max Filesize: 64M
Time Limit: 300
Max Input Vars: 1000
URL-aware fopen: On (1)
Display Errors: N/A
Thanks for the feedback! Those issues should be fixed in version 1.0.5 just released.
The Firefox issue was fixed with some changes to z-index (sign in button was behind the H5P).
Re: Non-hidden H5P content, I had assumed all H5P content was in iframes, but it looks like only certain content types are. So I extended the hide/blur to div.h5p-container as well.