Modern editor experience

I’m a Notion power user, and I really enjoy using the /slash menu commands to append content. Inspired by this, I’m working on creating a new modern editor for serious writers: Wp Tiptap Editor. I’d love to get your feedback on features you’d like to see in a new editor!

Personally, I find the Gutenberg Editor quite clunky. The generated markup is messy, and building blocks for Gutenberg is a frustrating experience.

This new editor is built on top of Tiptap, and here are the features I plan to include in the first version:

• A traditional WYSIWYG toolbar with classic formatting options
• A floating menu helper (accessed via right-click) for easy styling of selected elements
• Slash commands for quickly appending items
• Drag-and-drop functionality to reorder blocks of content
• Built-in MathJax/LaTeX rendering
• Embedded H5P for rich, interactive content
• Support for video and image uploads
• Enhanced footnote management
• Beautifully formatted <code> snippets
• Real-time collaborative editing
• AI-powered RAG capabilities for suggesting changes or generating content
• A powerful plugin system to allow easy extension of functionality
• PDF/CSS @page preview

If this sounds interesting to you, please share your thoughts or suggestions. I’d really appreciate your feedback!


Yeah, a new editor! (and also, personally, I don’t like Gutenberg).

In the current editor our users struggle mostly with the textboxes (and the images). Except for that, they are really happy. (They may not find a/the right-click menu on their own.)

Tiptap looks really neat.

The features you’d want to implement are cool. Most of them are important to us, and I would love to see the real-time collaborative editing. Wow, that would be a real big step. (AI and extension possibilities are also very welcome. :wink:)

Thank you! :+1:

Side note – The features that are NOT important to us specifically are:

  • Drag-and-drop functionality to reorder blocks of content
  • Built-in MathJax/LaTeX rendering
  • PDF/CSS @page preview

A new editor is a great idea, and the proposal sounds very promising! Some often occurring problems with the current editor are:

  • Importing content with copy/paste leads to messy HTML code. Users forget to paste only text.
  • Embedding videos from smaller platforms than yt and vimeo, e.g. Switch Tube which is specialized for academic videos.
  • Permissions managmement
  • Review system within revision control, with the ability to leave comments and suggest changes, as well as an approval process, and options to only partially merge changes.

Personal wishes for a next level editing experience:

  • Integrated accessibility check
  • Use linter to highlight issues with styleguide, spelling, capitalization, use of important vocabulary, gender-neutrality etc.
  • Allow use of raw data format markdown
  • Interface or API to integrate with external editor, e.g. Visual Studio Code
  • Integrate also, not only the H5P local plugin
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Thank you very much for your feedback I really appreciate it and I’m gonna take those ideas into account while building this thing :slight_smile:

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Tiptap is an amazing editor so this is very interesting!

Regarding collaborative features, the WordPress project is now into Phase 3, which is all about things like collaborative editing and publishing workflows. So maybe there is something to be borrowed from that work, though it is all block based. Same for collaborative plugins like Multicollab.

On the down side, with the direction of the collaborative ending tools in WordPress being solidly built on Gutenberg blocks, I wonder if any alternative editor will forever be fighting against native WordPress core.