Looking Back, Looking Forward

Originally published at: https://pressbooks.org/blog/2019/02/28/looking-back-looking-forward/

After nearly eight years as part of the Pressbooks team—as a contractor from 2011–2015 and as lead developer since 2015—I’ve decided to return to my freelance practice. It’s been thrilling to see Pressbooks grow into what it is today, and to have been a part of that journey. I’m grateful to Hugh, Liz, Steel, Dac,…

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Wow Ned! Big news! Thank you for your long and faithful service! I want to acknowledge how much I have enjoyed working with you (from afar) and to say thanks, very much, for helping cultivate an open source community around a really fantastic product. I am grateful for your vision, innovation, attention to detail and above all your kindness. I wish you all the best.


Many thanks, @brad. It’s been a pleasure. I’m sure we will continue to be in touch :slight_smile:

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Your commitment for pressbook opensource community was tremendous. Wish you all the best.