January 2025 Monthly Product Update Webinar

@EDU_Managers Hello! Our first Pressbooks Product Update of 2025 will be held THIS THURSDAY, January 30th 2-3pm ET.

Featured topics include:

  1. Pressbooks Results update: Usage, instructor help form, progress on visualizing individual student responses, user research activities
  2. Network manager dashboard update: LTI & Pressbooks Results stats/usage page
  3. User terms of service acceptance plug-in
  4. Social media sharing updates
  5. Assorted other smaller updates

Please bring roundtable topics and questions you’d like to share with the group. The Zoom meeting link and agenda can be found here: Pressbooks Product Update Agendas.

If you’d like to add this and future Product Update meetings to your calendar, click on this calendar invitation. For those who can’t make it, we will make the recording available in this forum.

We hope to see you on Thursday!

Hey Julie :slight_smile: Is there an Outlook (.ics) calendar option? I can’t open the Google calendar link (I just receive an error message about not having access), I think because I don’t use Google calendar.

Hi @AshTheLibrarianCAUL, here is an Outlook (.ics) calendar invitation for the Monthly Product Update Webinar.

Hmm :frowning: I’m not sure what is happening. A quick Google brought this Q&A up.

Sounds frustrating, Ash! I added your email to the event listing itself – hopefull it sent you an invite that you can add to your Outlook calendar. Let us know if that didn’t work either and we can continue investigating.

Oh, thank you so much! I have received the invitation and successfully added it to my Outlook calendar. Thanks for going to the extra effort :slight_smile: