How to designate a specific Greek font for PDF export?

How do I ensure the correct font is used for Greek text in the PDF export?
I’ve added language support for Ancient Greek in the global theme settings, and the web version renders properly. But the PDF version does not angle the mark properly.
This is how it should look (web version renders properly):
Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 10.44.33 AM

this is what we get in the PDF:

I belive if we could use the Gentium font, it would render correctly. Is this something I can fix in the custom css, or do the fonts have to be handled elsewhere?

Also, this text is in a footnote. Could that be afactor?

Figured it out - in case anyone else is looking for this, here is what I did.
In our case, this was only a problem on a footnote in the PDF, so for the PDF Custom Code, I replaced the .footnote font with Gentium Plus.

font-family: “Gentium Plus”, serif;

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