The web book configuration ,is created for the front-end configuration (with mistakes as I have to choose indent and then skil lines between paragraphs again, otherwise, do not work if I keep the default configuration of my created books. By default my books have selected skip lines but they are indent). anyway.
Now, also the author page in the back-end have those styles apply. Is that on purpose?
is not better to have a neutral style in the back end, so we can change in the future the themes but we know for sure how is really saved the work in the database? not missunderstandings for authors, maybe
is not better to have a neutral style in the back end, so we can change in the future the themes but we know for sure how is really saved the work in the database?
The content is not affected by changing themes. Only the styles. So I’m not really sure what you’re asking here. I think there’s a general expectation in WordPress that the content editor should roughly approximate what you see on the front end, which is why we use editor styles for this purpose.