Hi All
When exporting PDFs for digital distribution, PB does a fantastic job of meeting accessibility standards. One inconvenient hiccup, however, is the way footnotes tend to be tagged. Footnotes are embedded within out-of-place Lbl tags and the Reference and Note tags aren’t properly nested. This is the default organization of an individual footnote in the Adobe Acrobat Accessibility tool:
The Adobe Accessibility checker flags this as inaccessible, and will only clear it when I adjust the organization to:
(This is just my drag-and-drop of the preexisting tags; I also deleted the Lbl tags.)
I’m not sure how big a lift it would be to adjust this tagging across the board so that I don’t have to do it (sometimes 150+ times depending on the book… ) every time I want to export and share an accessible PDF?
Given this hectic, unprecedented time of last-minute and mass remote learning, it feels more important than ever to have quick and easy access to accessible PDFs for students who may be separated from key campus disability support services.
Thank you for any advice at this time!
— Amanda