Footnote function not working

One of the great time savers in Pressbooks is the ability to copy-and-paste from Word and press the footnote button, and hey presto! It’s all done for you. But For reasons I don’t understand, this function has stopped working. What’s happened? Please restore the function. It’s really tedious doing it all by hand.

Hi @firozemanji, that sounds frustrating. I’m trying to replicate the issue but the footnote function still works for me when I test it out on text copied and pasted into the editor. Just to make sure: when you highlight text and press the FN button, the text should get wrapped in [footnote][/footnote]. Is that what you’re seeing in the editor before you save and view the output?

Also, if you let us know the browser and operating system you’re using this might help narrow down the issue.

Hi @thomasweidmeman, thanks so much for your response. What I hadn’t realized was that the way in which PB is displaying footnotes in the text is no longer with the long form of [footnote] … [/footnote]. I was assuming that footnotes would be converted to this format (which is what happened previously). What a relief!!! Thanks, and sorry for troubling you.


I now realize what the problem was. It works fine with Firefox, but not in Safari …
