One question. In order to be able to clone a book, the book must be with a Creative Commons license. Which I believe is the best idea, as in that way the writer of the book allow or not to copy and paste.
But what about cloning inside of a network. Do the SuperAdministrator will be able to clone a book inside of a PB installation no matter the license? or instead the Super Admin the original author have the power of to clone a book no matter the license?
In my situation, as I’m the administrator/editor of the books, to not be able to clone the book if the book have a private license, will make slow the cloning process.
Pressbooks 5.8.3, released earlier this month, included a fix that removed ‘clone a book’ as an option for regular network users when the network registration setting would also prohibit them from creating new books. You can check to see what version of Pressbooks you’re running by clicking the diagnostics link in your admin dashboard.