In our recent Spotlight Session on Publishing and Showcasing your books, Amy and Steel went over the ways that you can highlight and showcase your books. Another way to highlight your work is to share it here in our Book Announcements thread! If you missed the Spotlight Session, you can watch it on our Youtube channel.
Have you published a new book on Pressbooks recently? Maybe your book is not new, but you’ve made some recent changes and you want to share the newest version? Have you remixed a book and want to share the newest version with the Pressbooks community? Whether your book is brand new, or it has new elements to it, we want to learn about it! This thread will mainly be used to promote new readers to your book, and you can also find new resources to clone/remix for your own network. Please provide a link to your book and include a short description of your book’s topic.
Great idea for a thread! Rebus Community released Version 3.0 of The Rebus Guide to Publishing Open Textbooks (So Far). Version 3.0 was updated to reflect lessons learned from our Textbook Success Program (TSP). A bit about the guide:
The Rebus Guide to Publishing Open Textbooks (So Far) is for anyone thinking about starting an open textbook project. It starts at the beginning of the process, with chapters on project scoping and building a team, and then moves on to content creation and editing, getting feedback and reviews, coordinating release and adoptions, and sustaining the book’s community. In this guide, we encourage you to reflect on your current pedagogical practices by keeping diversity, equity, and inclusion in mind throughout your open publishing journey, with the goal of creating valuable learning experiences that are accessible, equitable, and inclusive.
Kaitlin, would you mind if we include this book in our 2022 Community Favorites blog post, as far as recommended Pressbooks creations from the past year? I’m guessing you won’t mind but please confirm if you’re okay with this. And if you have any other recommendations from across any REBUS project, please share them using [this Google form](Tell Us Your Favorite Pressbooks Creations, 2022 Edition) … or you could DM me as well.
Hi everyone - I’ve just published Lessons for Life: Finding Your First-Person Voice and would appreciate some help and suggestions for showcasing it. It’s not showing up in the Pressbooks Directory yet, but I’m assuming it will soon.
Here’s a short description:
Lessons for Life: Finding Your First-Person Voice
Everyone loves personal stories, yet developing an engaging first-person voice poses unique challenges for nonfiction writers at all levels. This series of five “Lessons for Life” will inspire you to challenge yourself. They’ll spark your creativity, build self-awareness, and hone your personal storytelling skills for an audience. Complete the lessons on your own or with a writing group.