Auto-Numbering for Images and Headings

What is the general consensus for numbering images and headings? Is it just done manually for now? Are cross-references basically static? I’m wondering if it might be possible to implement an auto-numbering feature in the future, because it is very important to be able to add/remove images and headings without having to re-number everything and fix every link.

I believe it is handled manually in most cases, with the exception of part and chapter numbering. One reason for this is that certain tools that make auto-numbering easy (like CSS counters) don’t work in all formats (notably, I think they pose problems in EPUB) so using something like that to handle numbering automatically for specific elements isn’t possible the way we are doing things right now. Does this answer somewhat? I’m sure others who work more in the authoring side of things can speak to their workflows on this.

Thank you, that’s as I thought. Is there a forum somewhere for the authoring side?

I would post this under #editing. There are some authoring folks on here. I think @t.dumm has been dealing with this issue so he may have some ideas.

I have this for the numbering in the PDF:

div.chapter-ugc > h1{
counter-reset: num2;
div.chapter-ugc > h2{
counter-reset: num3;
div.chapter-ugc > h3{
counter-reset: num4;
div.chapter-ugc > h4{
counter-reset: num5;

div.chapter-ugc > h1.section-header{
counter-increment: num1;
div.chapter-ugc > h2{
counter-increment: num2;
div.chapter-ugc > h3{
counter-increment: num3;
div.chapter-ugc > h4{
counter-increment: num4;
div.chapter-ugc > h5{
counter-increment: num5;

string-set: chapter-number content();


div.chapter-ugc > h1:before{
content: string(chapter-number) “.” counter(num1) " ";
div.chapter-ugc > h2:before{
content: string(chapter-number) “.” counter(num1) “.” counter(num2) " ";
div.chapter-ugc > h3:before{
content: string(chapter-number) “.” counter(num1) “.” counter(num2) “.” counter(num3) " ";
div.chapter-ugc > h4:before{
content: string(chapter-number) “.” counter(num1) “.” counter(num2) “.” counter(num3) “.” counter(num4) " ";
div.chapter-ugc > h5:before{
content: string(chapter-number) “.” counter(num1) “.” counter(num2) “.” counter(num3) “.” counter(num4) “.” counter(num5) " ";

I think in EPUB3 the following mechanism does not work reliably:

string-set: chapter-number content();
