Author list separator on book cover

Grüezi :slight_smile:

On the Pressbooks book covers, the authors list is separated with semicolons, and before the last name, the word “and” is used together with a semicolon before. At least in :switzerland: and probably other German-speaking countries, this is an incorrect use of punctuation and should be changed for a list of names. It should use a comma to separate persons, and either also separate the last person only with a comma, or with an and, but not with both together.

Wrong in current pressbooks-book themed book:
Prof. Dr. Michael Müller; Prof. Hans Schmidt; Anna Meier; and Lukas Fischer

Correct variant A:
Prof. Dr. Michael Müller, Prof. Hans Schmidt, Anna Meier, Lukas Fischer

Correct variant B:
Prof. Dr. Michael Müller, Prof. Hans Schmidt, Anna Meier und Lukas Fischer

In the Pressbooks directory, the authors list is correctly separated, just with commas. Could this be changed in the official pressbooks-book theme? Or is there a place where we could customize it ourselves?

Kind regards

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I second this. The “and” has a special significance in author lists that I am used to in my world. Implies leadership/contributions for a paper equivalent to the lead author.

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Request is now tracked in github.