An API for Open Educational Resources

Belatedly, here’s video of my session at WPCampus 2018 on the Pressbooks REST API:

Many thanks to @brad for getting us onto the API train and for everyone who gave me feedback on my slides :slight_smile:

EDIT: Slides are here —


Lots of great information, not sure if the echo in the YouTube video was a result of my computer malfunctioning.

However, I am re-inquiring into how much of the evolution of the PB API will affect the ability of PB to operate in a stand-alone environment (i.e., a PB server not connected to the Internet, acting as a mobile WiFI system)?

The echo was on the recording, unfortunately.

To re-answer your question from last fall, only uses of Pressbooks that involve communication with remote websites will be limited by working in an “offline” mode. The REST API allows a variety of additional features that involve communication between different Pressbooks networks. None of these features would work without a network connection anyway so you don’t lose out on them by running Pressbooks “offline”.

(As a sidenote, I sometimes use the Airplane Mode plugin when I’m working on Pressbooks in areas with spotty internet connections (e.g. on VIA Rail :wink:) and most core functionality behaves as expected.)

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Thanks for the update.
Interesting plugin in the universe of WP plugins

I assume you are referring to MAMP, XAMPP, or LAMP/WAMP instances when “running Pressbooks “offline”" ?


I’m referring to any situation where Pressbooks is run on a local environment (e.g. not a remote server) and accessed from that same local environment. So yes, that would include something like MAMP, or Laravel Valet, or Vagrant, or anything else that fits the bill. I think you’d mentioned running Pressbooks on a Raspberry Pi and accessing it from the same host— that would be the same thing.

Thanks but I missed the part about which tool(s) you used in your example…just curious.

We use for local development with Vagrant.

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