Alegreya-Italic causing problems using Adunis

We’ve had many complaints for books purchased from Amazon that results in illegible pages. The following is the note we eventually received from Amazon.

"After checking with our technical team for the printing issue. The defects you notified us about are visible in the uploaded file.

This issue is occurring due to the use of the problematic or restricted font, “Alegreya-Italic,” in the uploaded interior file. In order to correct this, please kindly replace the font with an alternate version or font and ensure that all fonts are fully embedded (font usage rights vary from font to font and not all fonts allow for embedding/commercial usage).

For more information regarding fonts, please refer to the following help page:

Please fix the issue and upload the corrected file."

Has this problem been reported before? Is there a way to fix this? Would appreciate advice please.

Hi @firozemanji – no this hasn’t been reported before. Can you tell us which book (URL) and export file has been producing this problem? We can look into what’s going on and perhaps file a bug issue as needed.

Thanks for your reply. the URL is Log In ‹ Decolonization and Afro-Feminism — Pressbooks

and the PDF output is here: Dropbox - Decolonization-and-Afro-Feminism-nofront._print.pdf - Simplify your life

Hi, While you are investigating, is there a way in which I can use a different similar font that I can use to generate the pdf?

@firozemanji the only way to change the fonts in this book for now would be to change the theme you are using. Both McLuhan and Malala themes include a feature where you can customize/change the fonts displayed in the web and PDF exports, so those might be of interest for this book project while we figure out this PDF printing issue.

Many thanks for this advice. Well, I’ve spent the day re-doing the whole thing in McLuhan using the default font. I hope that this will work. I will let you know if any problems arise, but meanwhile I want to express my appreciation for your assistance.

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Hi again. It seems we continue to have this problem with another book Log In ‹ Fanon Today — Pressbooks. Here is the text from someone regarding this book: When I searched for this book on other websites, some customers said that their versions were misprinted and were missing letters on almost every page. Can you confirm that the copy that I will receive will be free of printing errors like this? Do you know what the problem might be?

Hi @firozemanji — that sounds very frustrating. The link you shared in the original post to the Amazon Enterprise Publishing page can’t be opened without an account there, which I don’t have. Can you share with us what that support page says so we can find out more about why Amazon printing services appears to have trouble with the Alegreya font? It seems a bit unusual to me, only because Alegreya is an open licensed Google Font: Google Fonts

Over the years there have been certain fonts that for whatever didn’t render properly on some Print on Demand printers. We had to replace / retire a couple of fonts for that reason. It’s been years since we’ve found something like this, but might be the problem here. I have no recollection of Allegya problems – but not sure how often themes with that font have been used.

Thanks for that, Hugh. We have done a number of titles using Alegreya, but I think we will just have to re-do them in another font.