Last night my students indicated that our online text Business Essentials is not opening. When we try to access it is states, ‘Oops, that content can’t be found’, although it was working yesterday afternoon.
I’d appreciate any help/suggestions, please.
Serg Ozdemir
VCC Instructor
Hi Serg,
The network hosting your book is the BC Campus Pressbooks network. This network is hosted and maintained by BC Campus and your best point of support would be through Contact us – BCcampus OpenEd Resources or to email the Open Campus team at open@bccampus.ca.
Thank you,
Serg (and any others affected by this problem),
We just received an email from the folks at BCcampus who self-host their Pressbooks instances. They sent a message to all their users today that says:
Due to today’s Pressbooks update to 6.8.0, the contents of some web books have been hidden and instead display a message saying “OOPS! THAT CONTENT CAN’T BE FOUND ”. We are currently working to correct this issue.
If you need to urgently access a book, please send the URL of the book to support@bccampus.ca so we can find it quickly and restore that book’s content.
For Administrators of books with this issue, we have found that you can fix it yourself by navigating to Appearance → Themes and changing your book’s theme to a different one then changing it back.
It can be fixed by sending the affected URL to support@bccampus.ca or getting the book’s admin to switch the theme to a different theme and back again.
If you have any other questions about this problem, you should be able to contact the BCcampus team at their support email.
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