Academic Profile

In the context of open academic e-publishing, Pressbooks has many features, such as intra/inter-linking and glossary. However, how do you create a categorized table of contents (i.e., general list, specific tables list, figures list)?

In addition, it would be useful to have a CSS citation style profile (e.g. APA) that would be selectable (e.g. as in Zotero) that could be applied to any theme in Pressbooks.

Although outside the Pressbooks focus, it is noteworthy that there is no way to replicate what I can do with Zotero connected to LibreOffice. The WP Zotero plugin (requiring API/cloud DB connect) creates shortcuts which do not translate to PDF or EPUB in Pressbooks. There needs to be a way to take a local (or cloud) citation database and insert into WP locally with content tags that would translate to HTML, PDF, EPUB, and other formats.

The fragmentation of functionality for academic e-publishing remains a challenge for endusers wanting to produce open e-textbooks.