Roman numerals disappearing from 'Part' titles in PDF export

We’re just preparing a PDF export for printing, and have noticed something very odd. The part #s have disappeared from the Part pages. They appear in the table of contents, but not the actual part sections. Examples below: ToC (with Part I, etc. as desired)

Sample part page (missing the roman numeral)
Any idea where these have gone and how to get them back? I’m using the Custom Pressbooks CSS theme (imported the Open Textbook theme and made some modifications, but nothing that should have affected the display of the part #s I don’t think). @ned or anyone else knowledgeable about outputs/themes have any bright ideas?

Hi @SteelWagstaff, go to Theme Options and disable “Romanize Part Numbers” and see if that works. For context, we used to rely on a Javascript which would convert part numbers from Arabic to Roman numerals. It’s no longer used… sometimes it crops up and causes problems :grimacing:

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