Hi all–I’ve been a heavy user of Zotero in my own scholarly routine for several years, and know that it has lots of academic users as a terrific piece of open-source citation management software. While the software is still being actively maintained (largely by Dan Stillman: https://twitter.com/danstillman), with new releases coming out regularly (see their changelog), I agree that their website and documentation is pretty badly in need of updating. Who ever heard of outstanding open source software projects with documentation issues, eh? Like Steve, I’d love to see Pressbooks content play nicely with Zotero. My view is that the first step would be implementation of the proposed metadata improvements that Ned and others have been working on–having schema.org microdata in each page header, etc. Once that has been implemented and propagated across a Pressbooks network, if these metadata import issues persist, we might want then to contact Dan Stillman or other knowledgeable folks from the Zotero community about ways to better ensure that Zotero correctly interprets/translates the metadata exposed on various Pressbooks chapters, etc. I’d be willing to help coordinate/broker meetings if it would be of any help?
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