Thanks for the help. After a few quick curiosity import tests to see if I could get a chapter, I’ve had no luck w/ the BCcampus PB or the SUNY Lumen; but the BC PB did have an xml to dl, so I’ll be diggin into that later. As an update, I’ll be using much less of the Calc 1 book, since the faculty I’m working w/ decided to use a different source over the wknd. Sadly it’s a pdf-based book from opentextbookstore.
Just to be clear though. The SUNY book has already been cleaned up by a student worker, so it is probably much less work than a rough import from BC Campus has.
I just wanted to let the 3 of you know how much I appreciated your help in this thread. I dl’ed the xml file and imported various chapters which saved me gobs/tons/a lot of time and most likely saved the Spring '21 semester target we are working on.
So grateful that I found this thread. I am creating an OER for Baylor University that uses different sections from many different existing OERs - the majority of them from OpenStax. I have imported several OpenStax sections and have been reformatting them. The process is maddening, but, luckily, I know the old-school html. My big problem right now is getting MathJax equations/characters (like pi/3, for example) inline with text. After reading this forum from 3 years ago, is the answer still ‘no answer’? Is there not a way to get pi/3 inline with text?
P.S. I checked, and the BCcampus link doesn’t have a Pressbooks downloadable version anymore.
So has anything changed?
The project I’m working on was started by someone else. The inline mathML appears to work, but if I change anything - and I mean ANYTHING - like even if I change a word in the text, then all the inline math turns into block display.
So far, I’ve had to redo inline math in LaTEX. If there’s a solution, I’d sure love to hear about it.