MathML and inline equations

jgray, paradisojr, beckej, steel

Thanks for the help. After a few quick curiosity import tests to see if I could get a chapter, I’ve had no luck w/ the BCcampus PB or the SUNY Lumen; but the BC PB did have an xml to dl, so I’ll be diggin into that later. As an update, I’ll be using much less of the Calc 1 book, since the faculty I’m working w/ decided to use a different source over the wknd. Sadly it’s a pdf-based book from opentextbookstore.

Thanks again

Glad you found something that worked out.

Just to be clear though. The SUNY book has already been cleaned up by a student worker, so it is probably much less work than a rough import from BC Campus has.

I thought they were the same, so thank you for the clarification.

@beckej @paradisojr @jgray

I just wanted to let the 3 of you know how much I appreciated your help in this thread. I dl’ed the xml file and imported various chapters which saved me gobs/tons/a lot of time and most likely saved the Spring '21 semester target we are working on.

Thnx again and have a great holiday season.


So grateful that I found this thread. I am creating an OER for Baylor University that uses different sections from many different existing OERs - the majority of them from OpenStax. I have imported several OpenStax sections and have been reformatting them. The process is maddening, but, luckily, I know the old-school html. My big problem right now is getting MathJax equations/characters (like pi/3, for example) inline with text. After reading this forum from 3 years ago, is the answer still ‘no answer’? Is there not a way to get pi/3 inline with text?

P.S. I checked, and the BCcampus link doesn’t have a Pressbooks downloadable version anymore.


What version of WordPress are you using? I think this should have been fixed in WordPress 6.2 so that mathml could be displayed inline.


So has anything changed?
The project I’m working on was started by someone else. The inline mathML appears to work, but if I change anything - and I mean ANYTHING - like even if I change a word in the text, then all the inline math turns into block display.

So far, I’ve had to redo inline math in LaTEX. If there’s a solution, I’d sure love to hear about it.